Strengthen Your Relationships With Yoga

Yoga, which means union, is a path of progressive self-discovery. It teaches us that we are not separate from the universe, that all of existence is connected.

When selecting a yoga class, look for one with a well-trained teacher. You want an instructor who can provide safe and effective instructions while also respecting student boundaries.

Improved Flexibility

When practiced in conjunction with fitness exercises, yoga can enhance flexibility while strengthening the muscles and improving balance. Yoga also teaches fluid transitions between poses and incorporates breathing techniques that promote relaxation. Incorporating yoga into a fitness program can improve overall strength and flexibility, helping reduce injuries.

Exercise scientists and physiologists agree that the key to increasing flexibility is stretching. Unlike many strength-training exercises, which cause muscles to contract during movement, stretching lengthens the antagonist muscles and helps them relax. According to Michael Alter’s Science of Flexibility, muscle fibers can stretch to about 150 percent of their resting length without tearing.

Adding yoga to a regular fitness routine can help increase flexibility by strengthening the antagonist muscles and stretching them. In one study, researchers compared the performance of athletes who participated in biweekly yoga sessions with those of a control group that did not practice yoga. The yoga group had significantly higher scores on tests of balance and joint mobility.

Reduced Stress

Yoga can be a helpful way to reduce stress. It promotes self-compassion, non-judgmental acceptance and spiritual well-being and increases interoceptive awareness. Stress-reducing effects of yoga are attributed to the balance of the autonomic nervous system, reduction of cortisol and release of neurotransmitters.

The practice of yoga combines physical fitness with the philosophy that the mind and body are connected. It also encourages the use of breath to calm and focus the mind. Practicing yogic breathing releases endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. The controlled movements of yoga, along with tai chi and qigong, activate the vagus nerve, which promotes the relaxation response.

Studies have found that yoga can help people with chronic illness sleep better and lower their stress levels. However, it is important to talk with your therapist about any complementary health approaches you might be using. BetterHelp has a network of more than 30,000 licensed counselors who can help you manage your mental health challenges, including stress and anxiety.

Increased Self-Esteem

Yoga helps to increase strength in the body but it also builds personal confidence. The practice of concentrating on the breath and holding challenging poses helps to strengthen the power of one’s own mind, building a sense of clarity that is empowering and carries over into daily life.

A study done by Goldsmiths, University of London, observed the effect of a specific yoga program on participants and used psychological evaluations like PANAS and Rosenberg Self-Esteem to gauge the impact. The results showed significant improvements in self-esteem and positive affect and a reduction in negative emotions for the group that performed the yoga routine over 8 weeks.

Participants were randomly assigned to either perform two expansive, high-power poses or constrictive low-power poses for 1-minute each. If it was the case that the meaning behind the body postures drove the results, a main effect for yoga versus power poses would have been observed, but it wasn’t. Instead, the yoga poses increased subjective sense of energy and control when compared to power poses.

Better Relationships

A dedicated yoga practice cultivates inner peace and builds self-love. This can be a great way to improve your relationships, especially with your partner. Couples yoga strengthens relationship satisfaction as partners learn to communicate, support each other, and fully rely on one another for stability and balance in the poses.

Research also shows that a regular yoga practice can boost feelings of compassion for others. This can be helpful in improving relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers.

Studies show that yoga can foster mindfulness, which is associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction. Mindfulness is achieved through a regular yoga practice and helps to reduce stress, calm the nervous system, heal PTSD, and build strength and stamina. When paired with a compassionate and loving heart, these skills can help you nurture better relationships with everyone in your life.