Yoga can help you improve your overall wellness. It has been shown to relieve stress, promote healthy eating and activity habits, improve mental/emotional health, sleep and balance.
The physical benefits of practicing yoga can include improved flexibility and strength. It can also help alleviate pain from arthritis, low back problems and neck pain.
Start Slow
Yoga is a mindful practice that encourages you to slow down and move at your own pace. This slowed down practice provides many benefits including stress reduction, increased strength, and better flexibility.
The slower movement also allows you to focus on the details of your practice, like how many breaths it takes you to transition from Plank into Chaturanga and how long you hold each pose before moving into the next one. This awareness is a great way to learn about your body and inspire daily internal evolution.
Over time, you can expect to feel more energy and brighter moods. You may also find that you’re able to handle stressful situations with greater ease and can improve your emotional regulation. You may even notice that your relationships and overall health benefit from the physical, mental, and spiritual connection you gain through yoga.
Take Your Time
It takes time to develop the strength and balance needed for yoga. This is why it is important to take your time with the practice and go slowly at first.
It is also helpful to commit to a consistent practice. Over time you’ll notice that yoga feels different and becomes a part of who you are.
This may be a daily routine of three or four classes per week, or it could be as simple as peppering each day with a ten minute session. Whatever is realistic for your schedule and lifestyle. Over time, you’ll learn to communicate with your body, and adjust the frequency of your yoga practice. Eventually, you’ll know how much your body can handle and what the best times to practice are for you.
Listen to Your Body
It is an essential aspect of yoga to learn to listen to your body. This is a complex practice and requires a level of self-awareness that can change over time. For example, if you practice a pose that creates a short and choppy breath, this could be your body’s way of telling you that you are overdoing it.
However, over time you may find that you are able to continue with this pose and that it becomes less uncomfortable. It is important to know your limits and not push yourself past them.
Learning to hear the whispers of your body can be a lifelong process, but it is one that will serve you well in yoga and beyond. Be sure to watch out for the major red flags of overexertion such as pain, dizziness, and nausea.
Don’t Overdo It
Yoga requires a surprising amount of strength, not just to prevent injury but also to boost the immune system and improve metabolism. But it’s important to not overdo it.
When muscles are tired, they don’t get the opportunity to repair themselves and build up. Additionally, overexerting can cause the body to use other muscles to pick up the slack in certain poses and increase the risk of injury.
While it’s relatively rare to overdo yoga, there are some telltale signs that you may be overdoing it. For example, if you experience persistent soreness that doesn’t go away after a few days, you should consider taking a break from your practice. You can always come back later! Practicing yoga regularly can help you stay physically healthy, but it’s also a wonderful tool for mental health.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated during practice yoga is important to keep your body and mind energized. It is also a great way to avoid stiffness and discomfort. It is recommended to drink water before and after yoga sessions, as well as to take several water breaks during class.
Be sure to avoid beverages that contain caffeine and alcohol, as these are diuretics and will make you lose fluids faster. It is also a good idea to consume electrolyte-rich drinks, such as Nature’s Way Alive! energy MAX water enhancers, to help replenish the lost nutrients.
Always enter our Dallas hot yoga studio properly hydrated. Try to hydrate two hours before class begins, and bring a water bottle to class to take small sips as needed. You should also rehydrate after class to replace any lost fluids.