The History of Yoga

history of yoga

The history of yoga is a long one that has involved many different people. But its basic teachings remain the same. Amongst its main sources, you will find the Bhagavad Gita, Hathayoga texts, and the Upanishads.

Hathayoga texts

The history of Hathayoga texts is long and storied. It began with the first yogi, Shiva, and later evolved into many forms. For many years, hatha yoga was a practice that was only obtainable in rural India, and as such, it was subject to persecution.

Among the oldest of the texts relating to hatha yoga are those written in the 11th century. They are found in Sanskrit and Pali language. Most of these texts use Vajrayana Buddhist terminology.

One of the most influential medieval hatha yoga texts is Amanaska. This text presents a dialogue between Isvara and Vamadeva, and teaches the ‘yoga of dissolution’.

Another important medieval hatha yoga text is Shivasamhita. This 17th-century text is written by an unknown author. It describes a variety of postures, including the yonimudra posture, the Srividya Sakta practices, and the Srividya mantraraja.


Yoga was an ancient science that originated thousands of years ago in northern India. The Rishis of that period refined the yoga science.

In the Vedas, yoga is characterized as a practice of concentration, meditation and breath control. It also includes a three-fold path of liberation.

Upanishads, or vedanta, are spiritual texts that have become central to the Hindu culture. They provide the foundation for the Bhagavad Gita, which is regarded as one of the most influential works of Indian literature.

The Vedas are the earliest known written sources of religion in India. Their contents range from discussions on rituals and philosophy to mantras and chants.

The Vedas are divided into four main parts, called vedas. Each veda contains a collection of mantras and hymns.

The oldest of the four vedas is the Rig Veda, which is a compilation of over 1,000 mantras. Other Vedas include the Mahabharata, the Svetasvatara, and the Atharva Veda.


Yoga can be traced back to the Indus-Sarasvati civilization over 5,000 years ago. Yoga is a form of meditation that incorporates both spiritual and physical exercises. The practice is based on the Upanishads, which are ancient scriptures.

These scriptures describe the origins of yoga and the various forms of yoga. Some researchers have suggested that yoga is as old as 10,000 years. Until recently, it has been thought to have originated in India. However, recent studies have found that it may also have been introduced to the West.

According to scholars, the first recorded use of the word yoga was in the Vedas. They are a collection of sacred texts that contain poems, rituals, and songs.

The Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali, written in the second century CE, is one of the most influential texts of modern yoga. This book describes the practices of a yogi who sought enlightenment. It provides guidelines for asana, prayer, and worship.


Krishnamacharya is a prominent teacher of yoga. He developed a style of yoga which became known as Viniyoga. His method helped form the foundation of many yoga styles around the world. Whether you’re interested in yoga for healing, spiritual enlightenment, or both, you may be interested in learning more about the history of yoga and how it evolved.

The origin of yoga dates back to the shamanic practice of ancient India. During the colonial era, the practice was suppressed. However, a revivalist movement led to the restoration of classical knowledge of India and brought it into the mainstream.

After studying logic and Sanskrit at the University of Banaras, Krishnamacharya went on to study Ayurveda at the Patna University. In addition to his studies, he also practiced yoga.

Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad-Gita is an ancient Hindu scripture that has inspired many people. From Beethoven to Gandhi, it has provided guidance for countless yogis. It offers several approaches to overcoming suffering.

Among the Gita’s many messages, one is that yoga is not a mere discipline. Yoga is actually a path that allows us to reach ultimate spiritual freedom. In order to attain jnana, we need to separate ourselves from the non-Self.

This may not seem like a difficult concept, but the Gita provides a new definition of this idea. The Gita teaches us that yoga involves detachment from the things that cause us pain.

The Gita also instructs us to look beyond our physical appearances. If we recognize this, we are on the way to a more meaningful life.