Many people think yoga is all about bending into impossible postures. While these poses are beneficial, they’re only part of a whole practice that includes breathing exercises and meditation.
Improved balance is one of the most valuable benefits of yoga. Studies show that yoga can improve your stability, which is important for avoiding falls and injuries.
1. Downward-Facing Dog
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is one of yoga’s most famous poses, a key part of Sun Salutations and other vinyasa flows. When done correctly, the posture lengthens your back and stretches the hamstrings in the backs of your legs.
It is also a good way to strengthen your shoulders, arms, and wrists. Adding this pose to your regular routine will help you find that place where strength and grace co-exist.
2. Tree Pose
Tree Pose is a yoga posture that builds strength, stability, and concentration. It also improves your balance, which can help prevent falls and injuries for people of all ages.
This balancing pose strengthens the hips, knees, and ankles of the standing leg and stretches the glutes and thigh of the lifted leg. With time, this stance also prepares you for other balancing poses.
3. Warrior II
Warrior II, also called Virabhadrasana B, strengthens the legs and ankles, and stretches hips, groins, and shoulders. The pose also increases strength and stamina.
This pose can aggravate hip issues or injuries, so people with tight hips or hip pain should avoid the pose. Also, those with high blood pressure should avoid this pose because it requires extended arms and a forward gaze.
4. Warrior III
Warrior III, or Virabhadrasana III, is an intermediate balancing pose that builds strength throughout the body. The posture is named after the fierce Hindu warrior Virabhadra, an incarnation of Shiva with “a thousand heads and eyes.” It requires balance and stability.
For students who struggle with balancing in this position, have them lean against the wall or back of a chair to build their core and leg muscles. This also allows them to explore the posture without losing their focus or concentration.
5. Warrior IV
Warrior IV, or Virabhadrasana 4, is a strengthening standing pose. It stretches the hips, back, shoulders, and neck and builds a strong core and balance.
It activates the erector spinae muscle that extends alongside the lumbar, cervical, and thoracic spine. This helps the muscles function properly and reduces pain and fatigue.
Regularly practicing the warrior postures strengthens and balances the body while also promoting mental stability and courage.
6. Warrior V
Warrior V, also known as Virabhadrasana III, is a powerful pose that requires strength and balance. This posture is a staple of yoga flows and can help you experience the many science-backed benefits of this practice.
Warrior poses strengthen muscles in the legs, hips, and upper body. They also improve balance and posture and help tone and strengthen the core. They are often used in vinyasa flows, so mastering them is important for progressing to other asanas.
7. Tree Pose
Tree Pose (Vrkshasana) may be among the most familiar balance postures, and with good reason: It’s a versatile pose that can be modified for any experience level. It also helps bolster mental and emotional health.
The pose stretches and strengthens the thigh, hip, and buttock on the standing leg while challenging balance. It also focuses the mind and improves coordination. It can also help reduce back pain.
8. Child’s Pose
Child’s Pose, or Balasana, helps to stretch and relax the back, shoulders and neck. It also stimulates the body’s relaxation response, which lowers heart rate and blood pressure and reduces stress and fatigue.
Experiment with different variations of this pose to see what feels best for you. For example, try widening the knees to create more room for the belly. This can also alleviate hip discomfort.
9. Child’s Pose Modification
In the yoga world, Child’s Pose (Balasana) is a pose that requires lots of flexibility. However, if you find yourself struggling with it, it’s easy to modify the stretch.
Instead of knees hip-width apart, bring them together for a more spacious version of Child’s Pose. Rest the head on a block for more comfort. Stretch the arms forward with palms up or down for a deeper variation on the stretch.
10. Tree Pose Modification
Tree Pose is a challenging yet accessible balancing pose that helps improve balance, strength, and focus. It’s also a great pose to help kids learn about being grounded and centered.
Encourage students to find their drishti or still point to keep them focused and steady in the pose. They can either place their hands at heart center or extend them overhead like branches.