Taking your first yoga class can be intimidating. But a good yoga instructor should encourage beginners to listen to their bodies.
In this pose, named for Vasistha, a bodhisatva or enlightened being from Hindu mythology, you can stretch your hips and spine and work on balance. It’s a good move for those who have back pain or neck problems.
C-Curve Pose
If your scoliosis is mild, moderate or severe, yoga can help you manage it. It can also relieve the pressure that scoliosis places on your spine, and it can strengthen your muscles, especially those in the core.
A recent study claims that performing a single yoga pose for 90 seconds each day can reduce the curve of your spine. However, it is important to practice yoga poses that are safe for your spine and condition.
When practicing yoga, a key to safe posture is to balance the weight of your torso. Too much forward arching or back rounding can cause the lower back to overwork and become tight.
It is also important to remember that if you have had corrective spinal surgery, your practice may be more limited. You should avoid backbends and poses that place extreme stress on the neck if you have a loss of cervical lordosis, which is common in those with scoliosis.
Tree Pose
Tree Pose, also known as Vrksasana, is a challenging standing pose that improves balance and provides a sense of stability in the body. It’s a good challenge for new yogis to work on and a great way to develop Mula Bandha in your core, which will make balancing poses easier and more stable.
To perform this posture, stand with your feet in Tadasana or a neutral stance and begin by shifting your weight to the left foot sole placed on your inner right thigh. You can then straighten your right arm toward the ceiling and touch your left forearm with the back of your head.
The challenge of this pose comes from the need to find an equal distribution of your body weight on both legs. It may take time to master this balance, so be patient and don’t rush it. You can even practice this posture next to a wall or with a chair for support, gradually moving away from the prop over time as your stability increases.
Warrior II
Warrior II is a powerful, stabilizing pose that builds strength in the legs and core. It stretches the back hip and inner thigh and strengthens the knee and front leg, creating length in the back leg, psoas, gastrocnemius, and soleus muscles. It also tones the ankles and arches of the feet, improving balance. The pose can also be therapeutic for a wide range of conditions, including flat feet, sciatica, infertility, arthritis, and high blood pressure.
The posture symbolizes a warrior’s stability and courage, and it teaches us to balance opposing forces. It activates and stimulates the sacral chakra (Svadishthana), a reminder to stay grounded and centered in your power.
Practicing the pose regularly builds up the strength of your legs, but it’s important to practice this posture with caution and to avoid it if you suffer from a knee injury or back pain. You should also consult a healthcare professional before practicing the pose if you have an underlying health condition.
Downward-Facing Dog
Downward-Facing Dog is one of those poses that look so simple and straightforward that students assume they can do it with ease. But doing a pose and being in a pose are two different things, and the wrong alignment can lead to strained back, shoulder or wrist muscles.
If you are a beginner and struggle to maintain balance, try practicing this posture against a wall to provide extra stability. Stand about two feet away from a wall with your hands shoulder-width apart on either side of an imaginary line that extends straight down from where your head meets your neck.
Broaden the chest, squeeze the inner armpit and root down through the index finger and thumb to build strength in the wrists and arms. Maintain a slight bend in the elbows and knees to prevent strain on your joints. This pose is great for increasing energy and is good for releasing stress, especially when practiced regularly. It also improves digestion, relieves aches and pains and is beneficial for migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure and insomnia.