Yoga Positions For Beginners

This posture counteracts hours spent parked at your desk, stretching the shoulders and neck while strengthening your arms, core, and hips. It also benefits the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

From all-fours, walk hands 6 inches forward and tuck toes. Slowly straighten legs, lifting hips and torso up to form an inverted V.

Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-facing dog is a restorative pose that strengthens the back, shoulders and arms. It also helps increase blood circulation in the legs and improves varicose veins. Beginners often have trouble with the position because they tend to spread their feet too far apart. They should only be about hip distance apart.

Stand in mountain pose (tadasana). Bring your hands to the mat in front of you and walk your hands forward to a downward dog position, which looks like an inverted “V” with your fingers pressing into the ground and your hips pushing to the sky. This pose, which is also known as adho mukha svanasana, is part of Sun Salutations and is a common posture used to warm up the body. For beginners who have difficulty performing the full pose, you can use a block or a chair for support.

Extended Side Angle

The extended side angle pose, Utthita Parsvakonasana, helps strengthen the hips, legs and shoulders. It also helps reduce backaches when done correctly. It is important that you don’t let the bent knee shift forward over the ankle. This can cause strain on the knee and can take the weight out of your hips.

The front hand can rest on the bent leg, interlace your fingers or hold onto a yoga strap. The upper arm can be placed behind the lower arm and alongside your head, or extended overhead. This poses opens the chest, challenges balance and encourages concentration. It also helps with digestion. It can be challenging for beginners. It is recommended that you practice this pose under the guidance of a teacher. Do not attempt this pose if you have a back injury or high blood pressure.

Pyramid Pose

This balancing pose, also known as Parsvottanasana, builds balance, strength, and flexibility in the legs, back, and shoulders. It requires patience and concentration, but with practice you can build the inner grace that endures like the ancient pyramids.

Pyramid Pose stretches the hip muscles and hamstrings, strengthens the legs, and lengthens the spine. It also helps to improve balance and full body coordination, calms the mind, and improves postural habits. It stimulates the core abdominal organs and can improve digestion.

Pyramid Pose is a good preparation for more advanced hamstring-intensive poses, such as Revolved Triangle. It can also be used as part of a flowing yoga sequence. Those with shoulder or wrist injuries should not go deeper into the pose and should rest their hands on blocks.

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose, also known as Trikonasana, provides a deep stretch for the thighs and groin while strengthening the core. Start in a wide stance with the feet about leg distance apart, with the left toes turned out and the right toes in. Press into both feet evenly and engage the core to help stabilize the stance. Bend the torso forward over the right foot and reach the right arm down, either to the leg or resting on a block if the hand is too far back to reach the leg comfortably.

It’s common for beginners to collapse the core in this pose and shift the hips backward, which puts too much pressure on the front knee joint. To prevent this, try to keep the pelvis and ribcage facing “the front” throughout the posture.

Wall Pose

The Wall Pose is a gentle inversion that relaxes the legs, feet and spine. It also soothes the nervous system, which benefits the mind and brain. It also helps with ailments such as oedema, sciatica, varicosities and pooling of blood in the lower legs.

Get students comfortable with this pose by giving different options for distance from the wall and props. This allows them to practice the pose with ease and reap its benefits.

Those with more physical challenges can use a bolster ramp to help with getting into the pose. They should scoot it toward the wall as they roll onto it, then slowly slide their hips down the wall to find the position. This will help avoid too much stress on the neck, shoulders and upper back.