How to Do a Yoga Routine

Yoga is an exercise that strengthens the body and provides balance, flexibility and strength. It also calms the mind and can help manage stress.

Begin by standing in mountain pose. Next, shift your weight into the left leg and lower the sole of the right foot into the left thigh.


Yoga stretches the muscles, strengthens the joints and increases flexibility. It also relieves stress and improves mood. It helps reduce high blood pressure and slows the heart rate. It may help prevent or treat osteoporosis. In addition, yoga teaches body awareness, which can help improve posture and balance.

Many poses in yoga require core strength. This is especially important as you age. It can help you avoid back pain and injury, and improve balance and posture. It also helps you notice when you are slouching or slumping, and correct the problem.

Many types of yoga encourage the use of specific breathing techniques to calm the mind and relax the body. These include Lion’s Breath, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Sama Vritti and Kapalabhati. The calming effects of these breaths can help you fall asleep at night and have a better quality of sleep. This is particularly true of restorative yoga, which can help you get into a calm state before bed.

How to do it

To do this yoga routine, start by laying down with a bolster or blanket beneath your head for support. Relax your forehead to the mat and close your eyes for 16-20 breaths. This is a wonderful time to relax your mind and connect with the present moment.

Next, come back into a tabletop position with your big toes touching and your knees sliding a bit wider than your hips. You can make it more comfortable by adding a block or blanket under your knees or by tucking the top leg in to help open the hips. This is a nice pose to do before moving into more challenging poses.

It’s also a good idea to add some pranayama (breathing) exercises into your workout like Lion’s Breath, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Sama Vritti or Kapalabhati. Including these breathing techniques in your yoga routine will help you stay energized and focused throughout the session. You can do these exercises at any time of day, but it is best to find a consistent schedule and stick with it.


Performing a yoga routine is an intense activity and requires a lot of energy. It can be especially challenging for those who have a full schedule and do not have time to spare. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to modify your practice. For example, it is important to have an empty stomach before practicing yoga. This will ensure that your body has enough energy to complete the poses.

The amount of time spent in a pose depends on the style of yoga you are practicing. For instance, vinyasa yoga requires that you move quickly from one pose to the next, which means that you might spend only a few seconds in each posture.

In contrast, yin yoga is more focused on the connective tissue in the body, which requires longer holds in each pose. You might stay in a pose for as long as five minutes. This can be very challenging for beginners but over time will help improve flexibility and strength.

Time required

Whether you do yoga in the morning to wake up and get your day started, on an afternoon break at work or in the evening before you retire for the night, there are many benefits of incorporating this practice into your lifestyle. Depending on the type of yoga you do, it can burn calories and improve your heart health, while it may also help to manage stress and anxiety and increase strength and flexibility.

The amount of time you spend holding poses depends on your existing physical ability, so don’t feel bad if you can only hold for a few breaths or less. Everyone starts somewhere and it is important to build up slowly to prevent injury.

Practicing yoga a few times a week is a great idea for improving mental and physical health, but you should try to fit your yoga routine into your schedule instead of trying to make your schedule fit your yoga practice.