The Best Yoga Postures for Beginners and Experts

Most yoga classes include a few poses called mountain pose (tadasana). This is a great pose for building strength and balance. It also helps to elongate the spine and promotes good posture.

Beginners may want to consider using a rolled blanket under the knees as this pose can be hard on the lower back. The pose also stretches the chest and shoulders.

Downward-Facing Dog

If you ask any yoga student, beginner or advanced, to name a few of the postures they practice, Downward-Facing Dog is likely to be one of the first to come to mind. This pose, called Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit, is a foundational asana that strengthens the shoulders, legs and feet while stretching the upper back and neck.

The benefits of Downward-Facing Dog are numerous, but its most obvious benefit is that it helps to stretch the back and hips. It also strengthens the arms and wrists and increases torso strength. In addition, it stimulates the digestive system, encourages blood flow and can calm the mind.

Begin the pose with your hands on the mat, spread your fingers wide and apply equal pressure into each knuckle and palm. If you find your hands are too tense, try moving into plank to see how it feels. It’s also a good idea to keep your heels toward the ground, but it’s perfectly fine if they don’t make contact with the floor.

Warrior pose

Warrior poses are among the most challenging postures in yoga. They require balance, strength, and courage to perform. They are also a great way to improve your concentration, which can help you stay more focused at work and home. Yoga can also help you develop self-control and discipline, which is essential for success in many aspects of your life.

Some yoga teachers believe that the front knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle and aligned directly over the ankle. However, this can be too demanding on the front knee and ankle joint, especially if you are new to yoga. A safer alternative is to draw the front knee toward the outer edge of the back foot.

The Warrior pose is a great yoga pose for beginners, because it helps strengthen the lower back and hip flexors while stretching the shoulders and chest. It also stretches the ankle of the back leg and increases endurance.


The Chaturanga, also known as four-limbed staff pose, is a key component of Sun Salutations and is a cornerstone in Vinyasa flow yoga. It builds strength and stability and prepares students for arm balances, inversions, and backbends. It also strengthens the shoulders, arms, and wrists. In addition, it stimulates the digestive system and opens Manipura chakra.

This posture is very challenging for most beginners, but it can be made easier by focusing on alignment and using a strap. A strap helps keep the shoulder blades down and prevents the elbows from flaring. It is important to practice this posture slowly and carefully, as it can strain the wrists.

Besides being a great way to strengthen your arms and core, the Chaturanga also improves lung health by opening the chest cavity. It can also help you burn fat around the arms and core. However, if you are not careful, this pose can cause injury to the wrists and elbow joints.

Tree pose

Tree pose, also known as Vrksasana, is a challenging balancing yoga posture that strengthens the legs and core while opening the hips and stretching the inner thigh and groin muscles. It is also a great pose to help build better balance, which can benefit the yogi in other physical activities and sports.

To improve balance in this pose, yogis should try to keep the breath smooth and even. They should also focus on closing their eyes, which eliminates visual cues and forces them to use their internal muscles to stay stable.

To prepare for the tree pose, yogis should practice standing in Mountain Pose or Tadasana. They should then stand with their feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, depending on what feels comfortable. They should also raise their arms overhead, which requires the use of the chest, rib cage, and diaphragm muscles. This improves breathing, which can significantly affect stability in the tree pose. It is also important to make sure that the feet are planted firmly on the floor to increase stability.